
Earn by Livestreaming Even Without Followers

I'm back. Today, I will be sharing a livestreaming app called Windowpane . Earn by livestreaming even without followers? Read that again. Without followers? Yes, without followers. It is possible to earn here even if you are not that famous and don't even have followers. From the name of the app, it is giving the users an opportunity to share the things they see outside of their windows. Windowpane is a simple livestreaming app that you can use to broadcast anything for your family, friends, and for everyone to see. It also provides video chat and a little bit of earning feature on the side. Let's start. FEATURES Broadcast live stream to your family, friends, and followers. * Public Watch streams live and playback. Connect with family, friends, and followers via one on one live video calls/chat. * Private Earn some money. DOWNLOAD AND SIGN UP Download it on: GOOGLE PLAY STORE APPLE APP STORE Sign up using your email or Google account. Feel free to use my ref

Earn MP and RTK with your Content

Get paid to create and post your content. Simply another social media app. Earn MP ( Milio Points) from posting, liking, commenting and sharing posts which you can convert into RTK (Rightstoken) . FEATURES Fair And Transparent Milio is redefining social media, by offering both the content creator and the viewer a chuck of the ad-revenue generated Blockchain Ownership Every piece of content you post is registered on our blockchain. This way you will always have the power of 100% ownership over your own content. Sharing Economy of Content Everytime a users shared a piece of content on milio, they will get a small kick-back from the ad-revenue earned by that share, making it more fun for users to share your work. - Milio SIGN UP Simply access or Download Milio app from your Playstore or Milio Social from your Appstore to register. Use this referrer code: milio21529T Register and verify your email. You can also Log in using your Facebook account , if you are us

My Favorite Task Offerwall Platforms

Photo source: Looking for simple ways to get some money? Wait no more. This article is about two of my favorite microtask platforms. Toloka Download and Sign Up Download and sign up here How it Works Complete easy tasks posted and get paid after passing the review process. Amount in gray - the pending earning or the estimated amount to receive after successful review of the submitted task. Amount in green - the confirmed earning or the actual balance in the account. Withdrawal Minimum withdrawal amount to process is $.02 . Cashout methods available are Paypal, Papara, Skrill, and Payoneer . There are some limited amount to withdraw, if you withdraw frequently. Tip: Save up your earning and don't create withdrawal requests frequently. Here is my proof of withdrawal from Toloka. Nomadtask (formerly Reviewhunt) Sign up Sign up in Nomadtask Verify your email. How it works Complete task offers that are posted in the Homepage. Read my other article

Get Paid to Complete a Task

Nomadtask is a simple task offerwall. Users can create a task or complete a task. Get paid or pay people to complete tasks. SIGN UP Create an account here . FEATURES HOME List of available and ongoing tasks are posted in the HOME page. You can ☑️ Available for me , if you don't want to see the tasks that you have already completed in the home page. HOW TO EARN Choose a task in the HOME page. Make sure to read all the information about a task before joining. Failure to complete a task within a given time will lower your trust score. If you couldn't complete the task at a given time you can cancel the task. TASK FEATURES Sample Task TASK AGREEMENT This portion includes the MAXIMUM REWARD AMOUNT that a task pays once it is completed. TRUST SCORE Maintaining a HIGH TRUST SCORE gives you more earning. Trust Score affects the rewards that a worker will get from each task. To maintain a high trust score, workers should make sure to accept ta

Earn With This Photo and Video Sharing App

Another great photo and video sharing social media app. Tata gives rewards for your engagement and the engagement of other users to your uploaded contents. Earn by completing daily missions, and by getting comments and likes on your content. The higher your reputation is, the higher you can earn. This app is also known as TataUFO , it's like the Instagram of China. Let's start by setting up your account. Install Acorn Box Download Acorn Box Create Wallet and save your back up photo (QR code). This is a must so that you can restore your wallet. Click the 👤 and Proceed to ID Verification . Provide the requirements needed and submit your application, wait for the verification to be processed. NOTE: It is important to create and verify your Acorn Box account first so that it would be ready to receive your ACN earnings from TATA . WORKBOX Beta (Optional) If you want to earn more ACN tokens, you can use Workbox. You can access Workbox on your Acorn Box . Enter the

Earn ACN by completing simple tasks

Workbox is a simple task earning application. Complete random easy tasks to earn ACN . SIGN UP AND DOWNLOAD Sign up here Copy the code and Click on Join Workbox . Click on Download to download Acornbox. Verify your Acorn Box Account. Open Workbox BETA Enter the code to get 2000 ACN and earn 10% more: JCKG2X HOW TO EARN Pick any task from the list. Start doing the tutorial tasks, if you pass you can then start doing paid tasks. There are 17 tutorial tasks. Completed tasks will be processed and checked which is either marked PASSED or FAILED . When you go back to your Workbox home, your earning will be shown at the top portion. Click on ' CLAIM ' to transfer the earnings to your ACN wallet. You can also check the mission in your Acornbox everyday to get 5 ACN daily from opening Workbox. MISSION BONUS Complete tasks everyday to get these bonus: 50 tasks daily, get 50 ACN . 100 tasks daily, get 200 ACN . 200 tasks daily, get 300 ACN . 500 tasks daily, get 500

Earn with Uhive

Use social network as you should, explore different categories and interest. Engage to earn. Perks as Early Users!! Receive the Early Believer Badge and an extra 10% revenue from your space. Get amazing perks, such as; reserving a space in the best location. Get FREE Tokens periodically until the final app is released. DOWNLOAD Download UHIVE on your device. SIGN UP 1. Use this code to get 300 Uhive coins: EH0W7C 2. Tap the Get Started button to create your Uhive account. 3. Under the Hello. What’s your name? step, tap the I have an invitation code option. 4. Enter the code and tap the Redeem button. Use this code: EH0W7C 5. Complete the registration steps to create your account. HOW TO EARN INVITE FRIENDS OR REFERRAL UHIVE is in the beta phase, invite more users to earn a lot of tokens. Earn more through referrals. You and your referral would benefit. You and your friend or family that you invited using your code or link will receive 300 uhive tokens. Feel free to